Selenium Automation in Salesforce


Lightning and its components have more auto-generated code than other apps, this usually makes the development in Salesforce easier, faster, and more stable! Keep reading and learn more about Selenium Salesforce Automation.

From an automation perspective, this makes things harder and forces us to be more creative when finding locators and interacting with apps. Some things like the ID’s auto-generation and the possibility of multiple attributes with almost the same code makes us rethink the way we locate the WebElement.

In order to select these elements, we need to use all that is in our hands. To do so, we need to understand more about locators.

In general, deciding on which kind of locator is better is like debating whether winter or summer is better. You will have people going for CSS and other people going for Xpath.

The important thing here is understanding when to use each and how to use them in the best way.


Most people consider that CSS is better because the operation of finding an element with CSS is faster than Xpath and most of the time it’s easier to read.

Ten years ago the difference in time was a couple milliseconds, but nowadays with the processors we have, it’s just a fraction of a millisecond.


Xpath is the most powerful method. For example, it allows us to go forward and backward in the HTML, lets us search for the text of an element and it’s easier to find a sibling with it.

Unfortunately, there is a bigger learning curve so people tend to fear it.

So, which one should I use to automate Salesforce tests?

It depends on many things. For example:

Is your team already using one of them?
In most cases, the priority is going to be maintainability, so try to keep using what your team has already been using.

Are the elements you are trying to find complex and hard to identify?
In this case, Xpath can be a good choice as we need as much power as we can.

Both of these are things to consider when deciding between CSS and Xpath

How to find a CSS locator:

In browser:
Right click -> Inspect Element ->Console

There are two ways to look for elements, we can use a single $ symbol or use it twice, like $.

When using the single $ symbol, we are looking for the first element that meets the criteria that we specify.
When using the $, we are looking for the list of elements that meet the criteria.

I recommend to always use the $ so we can see the full list of elements that meet these criteria. Be aware that our locator is pointing to multiple elements because this could cause issues in our automation.

Search for element type (button, div, a, span, etc):

Search for attribute (src, title, placeholder)

Example: $(“[title='Users']”)

Search for id:

Example: $(“#username”)

Search for class:

Example: $(“.slds-clearfix.slds-card.detail-panel-root”)
Also: $(“[class=’slds-clearfix slds-card detail-panel-root’]”)

If you want to select a class just for one of the classes you can do something like this:


Also you can use the wildcard: $(“[class*=‘detail-panel-root’]”)

Select the child of a specific element:


$("parentElement childElement")
$(".test-id__field-label-container span")

How to find an Xpath locator:

In browser:
Right click -> Inspect Element -> command+f

Search for element type (button, div, a, span, etc):

Search for attribute (src, title, placeholder)

Example: //span[@title=’Users’]

Search for class:


Example: //div[@class=’slds-clearfix slds-card detail-panel-root’]

Search for an element with a partial attribute (contains):


Example: //div[contains(@title,’123′)]

Search for element’s text:
//elementType[text()=’Text you are looking for‘]


Example: //span[text()=’Status’]

Search for an immediate child:


Example: //div[@id=’test’]/span

Search for a grandchild or any other descendant:


Example: //div[@id=’test’]//a

Search for a sibling:

Process Name

//span[text()='Process Name']/following-sibling::div/input

Why is it I can find an element in the Developer Tools, but Selenium can’t?

Generally this happens for two reasons:

  1. There are multiple tabs open and Selenium is looking into the wrong one. 

We can fix it executing the following line in our test:


I.E: driver.switchTo().window(driver.getWindowHandles().toArray()[0].toString());

  1. The element you are looking for is inside an iframe. 

You can verify if it’s in an iframe or not by right clicking on the element you are trying to find and then click in the Console tab. Then you will see if the dropdown is in top ( the default content) or if it’s in an iframe.

If you are in an iframe, you have to switch to it in your test in order to interact with its elements. To do this, you can use the following code:


I.E: driver.switchTo().frame(driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(“iframe”)));

Learn more from our team about developing on the Salesforce Platform, or check out our Salesforce custom development services.

Resourcing with Oktana

When you outsource development, nearshore or onshore, you probably wonder about resources and whether they’re going to work well with your internal team. At Oktana, we consider our team to be your development team. We take pride in working to get the right help for each project, whether it’s a designer, developer or a whole team. Many of our clients even choose to continue with the same team on multiple projects.

Let’s take a look at how resourcing works at Oktana.

Step 1. Gather data

First, we need a clear picture of your company and project. Your account manager will work with you to understand skill requirements, project scope and anything else you feel is essential. For example:

  • Will we work alongside your internal team? 
  • Will we need to integrate with existing systems? 
  • Are there preferred development platforms, frameworks or languages? 
  • Is business analysis, design or test automation part of the scope? 

We work with you to define “done” for the project. We are an Agile company, so this often means defining a minimum viable product, or MVP. These conversations help us determine a reasonable start and end date for the project.

Step 2. Select resources

Now that we have an idea of your needs, our resourcing team will build your development team. We want to ensure your team brings the skills to meet all of the technical requirements for your project. We also want to ensure they’re a good fit in terms of personality and experience.

Everyone should feel confident in their ability to work together.

Step 3. Review resources

As our resourcing team builds your development team, you have a few options depending on how involved you want to be in the process. You can let us handle the entire process, or you can be far more hands-on. 

If you want to be more hands-on, we’ll work with you to review a set of developer profiles. You can also conduct developer interviews to meet each team member before you sign-off on your development team.

What’s a developer profile?

Our resourcing team compiles a developer profile for each of our developers, which provides you with a good overview of their skillset, certifications and experience.

Step 4. Meet your development team

Our teams receive English tutoring and overlap with most of the US workday. Because of this, you are always able to chat or run planning sessions, review specs and do demos face-to-face by video. This is your development team. 

As your project grows, or requirements shift, your account manager will work with you and our resourcing team to adjust the team to meet those needs.

We hope all of this information helps you understand the resourcing process better and by extension how our teams work. Our team has worked with different organizations and their projects. We are Salesforce platform experts and offer custom development to help you build your platform and solve the right problems. If you want to know more about our work, go check out our latest success stories.